Thursday, July 2, 2015


December 2013 - The new year was fast approaching, and with it the pressure of picking a New Year's Resolution. I've had my fair share of "Eat Healthy"; "Workout Daily"; and every other "Be a Better Person" resolution. I wanted something different. I wanted something that I might actually enjoy and stick with.

I had no idea what I was putting myself up to, but I settled upon writing a book in one year's time. 

Obviously it took a little more than a year. Let's be honest, I had no idea what I was doing. I wrote my first scene and sent it to one of my best friends. Her email might as well have been a death glare. She said it was trash. (Ok, she didn't say that, but I'm sure that's what she thought.)

 I sat down to write it all again. I was so proud of the second draft. It was fifty pages. I sent it to a printer and held it in my hand like it was a bar of gold. I shared it with another friend. She let the red ink fly. 

This cycle continued for a year and a half. Write. Share. Revise. Edit. Share. Scrap. Rewrite. There was no pattern. I just kept growing the story and pruning the dead ends. And finally, the end is near. Soon I will publish my first novel and go on to start the journey all over again. 


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